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Deed / quit claim deed

My ex-husband was added to my deed without my knowledge. I hired a lawyer to keep his name off my mortgage and my deed but his name ended up on the deed anyway. I found out two years later, and asked her about it and she told me IL is a common law state and his name had to go on the property. I have been chasing my ex-husband to try and get him removed, but he seems to always disappear when it's time to sign the documents. Now he has re-appeared and he agrees to sign the quit claim deed but it seems like he wants something in return what can I do? I don't have the funds to pay him anything, he's not on the mortgage, and I can't refinance until he gets his name off my property. If I go to court will they make me pay him anything if he hasn't spent any money to help me pay the mortgage?

Re: Deed / quit claim deed

Violet: Sounds like something similar a friend is going through. You need a Lawyer for someone with aggressive type of behavior like his. My Lawyer got my name on the Deed. She took care of all of it. Best wishes.