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Items court ordered to be returned to my ex advice.


I am looking for some advice regarding possessions that were divided in my divorce. After my ex would not agree to dividing the items in question as he wanted them all. We both agreed to have the Judge divide the items in question to finally be done with the divorce. The judge sent us both written notification of what items were to be divided and that there was a specific date for him to retrieve them.

I had that feeling that he was going to make things interesting, so I asked my lawyer if he could contact my lawyer or his lawyer, then reach out to me for arrangements to protect myself. I did admit I had him blocked on my cell phone, but my home number or email address had not changed since I was married to him.

The time went by and the following day I reached out to my lawyer and asked, "have you heard from him", which she said no, and then sent an email to his counsel asking what's going on. I told my counsel I made arrangements to dispose of the items by that weekend (the order expired on a Monday, I disposed of them on a Saturday).

Now, 10 days after the email from my lawyer, his lawyer sends my lawyer an email saying I need to give him more time, as I was not being cooperative, and he wants me to give the items back.

He made no effort to contact me, no messages, no letters, no emails. I don't know what to do at this point, as I feel that this is just another one of his games, and I want to move on from him and his lies.

Does he have any recourse?

Thank you for your time