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Re: Confronting mistress

Be careful if you decide to confront the mistress. I did that same thing when my husband cheated. She called the police on me and all I did was ring the doorbell! Because I was on HER property, I got charged a/harassment charge. I never spoke one word to her. So unfair!! Just a warning. Good luck!!

Re: Confronting mistress

Oh no Emma! I was afraid of that. Darn, it just doesn't seem fair. None of this is fair. Thank you for the heads up. take care ❤️

Re: Confronting mistress

I am going through absolute HELL with both my husband and his stupid ***** coworker/ mistres .. Now girlfriend. LOVE Of his LIFE. We are in the process of divorce right now. But as of Aug. 8th, both him and her have been blowing me up every chance they get with texting , hangouts.. chat. calls, you name it. All because after 10 months of separation my husband and I got together for 36 hours alone time , just him and I. 18 yrs of marriage. DOWN THE ****TER. . we talked hours on end. watched tv. had cocktails. watched the sun go down and rise on the balcony . . Laid in each others arms , talked about everything under the sun that I didn not want to know about between the 2 of them. in conclusion. We ended up naked most the last 10 hours and having sex. BIG ***** MISTAKE ON MY PART. what a DISASTER. . WHAT A WAY TO F ME OVER ONE MORE TIME. after he went back to his place where he resides with our 18 yr old son. My soon to be X sends me a text 5 hours later asking me if I was ok. Then how he had DECIDED TO NOT TELL HIS GIRLFRIEND WHAT HE HAD BEEN UP TO FOR THE PAST 36 HOURS. I was LIVID. I blew up on him I informed him that if he didn't tell her. I WOULD. ya that **** back fired. He ended up telling her the truth 2 hours later. and guess what it got me. ??? NOW I GOT BOTH OF THEM HARASSING ME SO BAD EVER SINCE THAT NIGHT. Calling me every name in the book and BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING . .. AND HOW I AM TRYING TO RUIN THEIR RELATIONSHIP. AND WHAT AN EVIL HORRIBLE TERRIBLE PERSON I AM. .. . I HAVE HAD IT WITH THE BOTH OF THEM . I am sick and tired of seeing all his posts on FB how much in LOVE his is. FUJCKER. I am so ******* i have decided to file a restrainer order along with CONTEMPT AGAINST HIM , and Cease and Desist . it sucks though because i am having to do ALL THE PAPERWOKR MYSELF. I FILED ALL MY OWN DIVORCE PAPERS WITH REQ. FOR SPOUSAL AND CUSTODY. NOW TOMMOROW. i am headed back down the family support div. and will be bringing copioes of all my DM reports I have against him over the past 3 years. I have copies oif all their texts of them BOTH TELLING ME TO GO KILL MYSELF. THEY EVEN HAD MY SON DOING IT RIGHT ALONG WITH THEM this has gone on Since Oct. last year. I AM DONE PLAYING THEIR STUPID BULL**** CONTROL TRIP GAMES. I can't even come see my son , when I want because I have to make sure. THE COAST IS CLEAR. AND THAT C WORD IS NOT AROUND. I get told by my son that now The ***** has taken an extra day off work to go see his first choir performance at his new school on Thursday. so I DID NOT ATTEND. BECAUSE OF THEM. THIS IS ALL GOING TO COURT IN THE AM. . filing for temp PO. , and every thing else I can with no money .