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Coping with husband leaving me for mistress while pregnant.

I am having a hard time dealing with my ex. 8 yrs married, have a 7 yr old, and was 4 months pregnant. Drops a bomb on me that he has been cheating with his ex girlfriend who is also married with 3 kids who have different dads btw. She knew i was pregnant and didnt care.
He left me and my daughter, filed fordivorce when he told me he'd wait until after baby is born. Caused me so much stress and i had complications which ended up with a premie. He did not help at all with baby from when she was born until we had a court order 3 months later. Refused to help with funds or to buy baby diapers. Now he acts entitled when he never asked for baby.
Now my older daughter who told me dad was hitting her says she likes going over there now that dad stopped hitting her.
She says his gf is nice and that they are movingtogether soon. How can my daughter like her after everything? This woman and my husband broke our family. On the one hand i'm glad the hhoe is being nice to her. But on the other hand i feel replaced by both my husband and daughter.. My oldest is in therapy and i feel like her therapist is on his side.

Re: Coping with husband leaving me for mistress while pregnant.

I am really sorry for that..He is an idiot!!!! and the therapist is probably on his side

Re: Coping with husband leaving me for mistress while pregnant.

Thanks Mary! I think she is. And to be my daughters psychiatrists makes me even more hurt. I come to you to help my child and after everything my daughter and i have shared she says i need help to deal.��

Re: Coping with husband leaving me for mistress while pregnant.

Araseli: I am sorry this happened. Many people only talk to their exes regarding the kids (maybe there is something else urgent, too, sometimes). I hope you are getting child support.

Re: Coping with husband leaving me for mistress while pregnant.

Lara: I am getting support but he is fighting to lower it. He just quit his 2nd job stating he doesnt need it anymore. But he has been putting me in collections on a loan we have together. He is telling my oldest i have anger tissues and that and that she should live with him. He never ask for the baby unless it makes him look like more then a sperm donor. Also tells my oldest not to listen to me. He has issues and now is trying to brainwash my oldest..