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Husband was evicted for domestic violence 2yr. Order in place

As soon as he was evicted he cancelled all utilities. Found out he was 2 months behind on our mortgage. And also found out that I was driving without insurance on my vehicle for over a year. I had to resume insurance with another company. Does he have right to come back into the marital property even though he had banded All rights to the house including mortgage utilities groundskeeping and uptake of the house? After his two years run out? I've had many break-ins to the house and to the garage which were reported to the police and of course they say it's marital property. I've had other things done to my property since the order was in place. I've lived here for over 16 years and never have had anything done to my property. Would this go against him in the divorce proceedings?

Re: Husband was evicted for domestic violence 2yr. Order in place

Bella: The conduct of both parties is taken into account in court. My Lawyer said after our divorce was final for two years that I could dispose of anything that was his that he left in the house. If you do not have a Lawyer, I would urge you to get one. It is obvious from what you wrote about here that your ex wants no financial responsibility - just wants stuff in the house, probably because it's paid for and he won't have to pay to buy one for himself. My ex took a lot of stuff out of our house without asking me, but he was single for a long time before me and he had paid for it himself. I gave him a few towels, a pot and a pan and his furniture. My heart goes out to you. Best wishes.