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Re: Still Checking His Facebook

Wow! I thought I was the only one. Funny thing is that I have a different reaction every time. Sometimes I come away hurt and sad, other times I couldn't care less and I'm happy to be free. Still other times I'm mad and feeling vindictive. Guess I'm losing it.

Re: Still Checking His Facebook

You are not losing it, what you are feeling is totally normal. I feel the same way.

Re: Still Checking His Facebook

Yes, I do the same thing but my situation is much worse than I could ever imagined. 18 years of marriage, and last summer my husband started getting a ride to work with a female co-worker of his. Soon he was staying out all night with her . AS JUST FRIEND" so he claimed. She has a fiance he proclaimed for over 3 years. Oct. 15, 2016 he came home from work, packed only what he could haul off in one Uhaul van trip.
We have a 17 yr old son at the time out of town for choir event. 2 days later son comes home to find his dad moved out.
HERE is the **** part. My husband ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to give me his new address. even though we have a kid together. He left me unable to cover the upcoming rent for Nov. , , shut off our power on Nov.7th. Got evicted Nov. 15th. .. All the while communicating with our son how he would let him come live with him when I had to move. No call no show the day before power went out , when he had promised his son he would come get him. I ended up sending him to one of his class mates homes to stay on a temporary basis. . Or so I thought. Once my kid got out that door. HE NEVER CAME BACK. Not to me. He and his dad did everything in their power to RUIN ME . and they almost won . **** FACEBOOK. Christmas day what do I see on FB. My son and husband posing for a picture. that HIS NEW GIRLFRIEND TOOK , the coworker he had denied and kept denying their affair and new STATUS UNTIL VALENTINE'S DAY.
So that is how I found OUT HOW MUCH IN LOVE THEY ARE. HERE IS THE KILLER. That ***** still lives with her fiance. Stil drives his car, runs my husband around town in it all the time. Then my husband tells me last month that she never would of told her fiance about their relationship had he not of checked her cell phone. I am BEYOND disgusted. BOTH HIM AND HER TEXT ME , CALL ME , GOOGLE HANGOUTS ME . SEND ME PICTURES OF THEM KISSING. I thing so often about hoew I WANT TO RIP THIS GIRLS HEAD OFF. and WTF is wrong with her X. How stjupid is he. I want to talk to him so bad. Yet she jumped my **** for sending her x a message on FB asking if he would like to just talk some time/ this ***** needs to find a hole in the desert. After all I do live in Vegas. I filed for a divorce after loosing my job in Feb. GOT SO DEPRESSED. HAD FAILED SUICIDE ATTEMPT AND GOT FIRED FOR THE DRJGS LEFT OVER IN MY SYSTEM 2 DAYS BEFORE. HOW F'D IS MY LIFE. ****