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Re: In need of some advice

I just found this forum and wow, the first posts I come across could almost be written by me and my circumstances. I heard the "I love you but I am not in love with you anymore" crap too. This after 30 years of marriage. I am angry, bitter and worst of all, hurt more than words can say. I think I am starting to heal, then wham, it all rushes back. I will start some counseling today, just to help me cope with the feelings, the rejection. I too have to build some relationships, a hard thing for me as I am 68 years old with no close friends. I will make it through this but I want to be over it fast, I want the pain to stop. I do not wish this on anyone of you, but the sharing here lets me know that what I am feeling is normal.

Re: In need of some advice

Lanie, I'm so sorry, it sucks and some days are so much better than others, you're right.. yesterday was such a good day, then BAM I was walking through walmart, just because I wanted to get out of the apartment for a while and I just started crying for no reason. I need to find friends, or something to get my mind off of all of this.. rebuilding a life after knowing one thing for so long is hard and I don't even know where to start. I also started therapy, but went with the TalkSpace route as I found it's so much easier to just go online and message my therapist whenever I needed to. It has been so theraputic and and even in the five days I've been on there it's been helpful, sure there has been some days where I was like what am I even doing? But I know in my head I will be stronger because of this, I just wish my heart will catch up. I just don't know how to grieve my marriage and what now seems the loss of mh best friend as well

Re: In need of some advice

Hi Lanie-

I am sorry for what you are going through... I have been married 22 years and am trying to muster the courage to initiate the divorce. My husband knows I am unhappy and am mainly staying for the kids. He has said in the past "If you dont like it -leave.. because I'm not!" I think you would call this Intimidation!!!

I am so sad some days. I'm fine as long as Im busy but when I get in the car to drive to work I just cry..

I totally understand what you said about friends- I have realized my world was built around my husband and the kids. I didnt have time to socialize or did so with married couples. My instinct in to keep my emotions in because I'm embarrased and ashamed I have lived with the abuse for so long.

We will get through this! The anger, loniliness and hurt are necessary to push us to make a change for the better.

Take Care
