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Dragging his feet?

My soon to be ex and I have basically agreed on everything. His lawyer friend agreed to write up the papers at a very reduced fee and have them filed. Yet each time I ask for them, so my lawyer can review, he never knows when they'll be done. I'm getting sick of it. I want to be done with him (except for children related things) and I feel this is just one more way to retain control over me. I've given him multiple deadlines to have the papers in my hands, and each have come and go with no consequences. I've finaly told him I'd just pay my retainer fee and go ahead with it on my end, my way. He made it clear that if I did so, he'd make my life a living hell and I would pay for any fees charged to him. Not sure what to do. Any advice is appreciated.

Re: Dragging his feet?

Allaina: I was divorced in 2009. Here's how it goes: your Lawyer talks to his Lawyer (or you go to mediation which could be hell since you are not getting along now) and they work out a divorce agreement, then you go before the Judge when a Lawyer gets you a court date and then the Judge either okays the agreement or changes it, then what's in the agreement, i.e., child support and/or alimony, becomes a court order and if there are issues with the amounts, jobs, payments/non-payments, it all goes back into court. If you both have nothing, no cars, don't own a home and have nothing valuable in the house and nobody has a retirement plan, you could get divorced on line, but it is never as good as having a Lawyer, or, at least some advice from the local Bar Association (if there is anyone there giving "pro bono" (free) legal advice).