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Re: Dragging his feet?

Allaina: I was divorced in 2009. Here's how it goes: your Lawyer talks to his Lawyer (or you go to mediation which could be hell since you are not getting along now) and they work out a divorce agreement, then you go before the Judge when a Lawyer gets you a court date and then the Judge either okays the agreement or changes it, then what's in the agreement, i.e., child support and/or alimony, becomes a court order and if there are issues with the amounts, jobs, payments/non-payments, it all goes back into court. If you both have nothing, no cars, don't own a home and have nothing valuable in the house and nobody has a retirement plan, you could get divorced on line, but it is never as good as having a Lawyer, or, at least some advice from the local Bar Association (if there is anyone there giving "pro bono" (free) legal advice).