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Re: Mediation

The overwhelming CREDIBLE child psychological evidence is that children do best when they have equal time with both parents. Every other weekend is entirely inadequate and what you are proposing will devastate these children. Your job, if you truly want to be a good mother, is to make equal time a priority and make it happen. Don't let your poor relationship with the father cloud your responsibility as a mother. It's really easy for women to fall in the trap and make self-serving arguments like "oh, he's a bad father and I'm a better person, so he shouldn't have much parenting time" and falsely justify parental alienation. You sound like you are heading down that path. Don't be one of those mothers - for your kids sake. If, on the other hand, you want to maximize your child support, squash you ex's parental rights, and otherwise "get back at him", then by all means, you can utilize the family law and courts to do so - the laws and judges heavily favor women and will help you do that. Best would be to research the UNBIASED psychological studies and believe the UNBIASED child psychologists and ask yourself if you want whats best for your kids.

Re: Mediation

That may be so RachelDenman67, but my kids father didn't even want them more then every other weekend. He fought me tooth and nail for dollars but in the divorce process he never said a single thing about wanting more access time with the kids. So he has the bare bones minimum time with them and my kids are better for it. Of the little time they spend with them, my older one can see him for what he is: which is a complete deadbeat dad. My younger son looks up to him and my ex forces my younger son to parent him, but it is not up to me to bad mouth my ex. I simply let my kids see him fail and I don't have to say anything at all. My younger son will figure it out on his own in time. My older son already has. You can quote books and studies all you want but you have to figure out what's best for your particular situation and personalities involved.

Re: Mediation

Iz: If you are worried about how your 3 yr. old is handling the situation, get him/her into counseling if you have insurance to pay for it.