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Re: Women in poverty by divorce

Fortunately for you, there's already a system set up. V@gin@mony has been around since before the 18th century. It's a way for women to live off their ex husbands, sometimes for life, without having any of the responsibilities of maintaining a marriage. Approximately 98% of awards are from men to women. Most girls know about this, from an early age, and take advantage of it when they can get it. It's a legacy system from when women never worked for a paycheck. Now it's a cash windfall. If you enjoy the welfare life and living off other people's labor, you should hire a new lawyer to get you some. Whatever you do, don't get a job, training, or a new husband - that'll kill your chances of sticking your ex for his money. Remember, when you talk to the judge, you are the victim and have zero chance of providing for yourself. Good luck!

Re: Women in poverty by divorce

Diane V: I got no money from my ex for nine months after the divorce. He did pay the bills. I went to the local food pantry and he took me to a food warehouse once. I was working very part time. His Lawyer stalled mine so that he would come out ahead financially for a while. I was in my late 40s after the divorce. My ex got his retirement. I got the house and some small alimony. The story goes on, but that is the poverty part. I shopped at thrift shops for clothes. It all comes out in court. Try to meet with the Judge a little and tell them what happened with him withdrawing money or find a new Lawyer. You will probably get alimony if it was a long marriage. I was home with our child for 10 of the 21 yr. marriage.