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Re: Any advice would be greatly appreciate!

I have touched base with a lawyer. She states in order for me to prove he can still work, I would have to get an independent doctor to "prove" he is still capable of working and that its usually up to the judge's mood that day for alimony and child support. etc. Husband's job is mostly a sitdown computer work but my husband is a known liar and somewhat of a drama queen

Re: Any advice would be greatly appreciate!

Ann: Soon-to-be ex helped for a while (long story short) then took me back to court every 1 1/2 years to try to end the alimony. Since your husband is ill and you anticipate poor behavior from him, I would not depend on him for anything. I shop/shopped at thrift shops and went to the food pantry and ate a free church suppers. Get whatever help you need after the court date if you don't get what you want in court.