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Re: Quit Claim on his NEW property BEFORE divorce is filed...

Jessica: Sometimes Mediation doesn't always work out. You need a Lawyer of your own ASAP (Family Lawyers are best when kids are concerned). My soon-to-be ex (now ex) tried to buy a home, too, before our divorce was final. My Lawyer said "you are to have nothing to do with this house" (don't talk to anyone who is trying to make it happen, don't sign anything/don't get involved AT ALL). He's trying to get away with not giving you money for child support, etc., because he's focused on buying this house. Also, keep glancing at your credit report for any shady activity. My ex used things jointly held (joint dept. store card/joint credit card). Researching the divorce laws on line in CA may help, also. All finances need to be revealed before your day in court. He's trying to get away with a lot of stuff financially. I'd try to get some child support ASAP before all his funds get wrapped up in this house.