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child support

Can a mother get child support for their child if she works a full-time job and the father claims he is unemployed but is running a business under the table not paying taxes and making good money.

Re: child support

Yes, a judge would likely order him to pay you. Of child support orders, 85% of the time it's men that pay (US Census data). The court is very friendly to women when it comes to giving them their ex's money. Get a lawyer and go after his money - any competent lawyer will cover their fees with what they collect for you. You could quit work and claim you need more money to allow you to be a stay at home mom.

Re: child support

I would say yes. I have a similar scenario. Total deadbeat dad who underreports his income to the govt to pay less taxes and to make it seem like he makes nothing to (one day) lower child support. An income was imputed to him. That's what he pays child support on. Its still much lower then what he makes, but I'm leaving it up to the IRS to figure that one out. Lawyers and courts are used to hearing about "controlling women" by deadbeat partners & dads who don't want to pay because she had the balls to end the marriage. Its a cliche.