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Re: Passive Aggressive ex blocking sale of new home

Joan, you need to stop being a victim and go on the offensive. You've no idea the benefits which will accrue to you by filing a Restraining Order. You don't have to lie. Be honest. He's being aggressive and harassing you. Say that. It's the truth. If you want to play the victim, keep letting him abuse you, don't do anything but complain. If you want to win, file the RO now. Good luck.

Re: Passive Aggressive ex blocking sale of new home

Joan: Please go back to the Lawyer about this if you had one and were happy with them. If not, find one who has some experience in divorce/real estate or real estate.

Re: Passive Aggressive ex blocking sale of new home

Upshot of this story is that we lost the sale and the house is relisted. I am hiring a new lawyer to protect myself - however I really don't have any money left to pay. I'm probably going to have to borrow from my brother down the line, until the house sells. Ex is now threatening and says if I pursue things through the court, he will move to the next state (we live near the boarder) to avoid alimony (says they won't "come after me" if he moves, and to declare bankruptcy to avoid paying for college and other obligations. Luckily, I recorded that conversation on my phone so he can't lie and say he never made those statements.

BTW a restraining order is not valid in this case. There is no physical harm, no threats, it would be an abuse of the system and I'm not going to go that route.

Re: Passive Aggressive ex blocking sale of new home

The guy obviously doesn't need the money or he would facilitate the process. He is shooting off his mouth and he is threatening you.. Give him a reason to squawk, hire an attorney to halt the obstruction.