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Involvement with ex-spouse

I am amicable with ex-husband. Divorced 2 years after 34 of marriage. He is now engaged. We have 3 adult children. Still trying to be a "family." Gatherings are difficult. How healthy or normal is this as it is painful and raw still? That deep love for so long is still there even though ha has moved forward. I am stuck.

Re: Involvement with ex-spouse

I'm sorry you are grieving. Did you not get a support settlement? In the early years of divorce, that's usually what makes divorce better for women and why the wife is much more likely to initiate the divorce than the husband. Husbands typically have to pay, wives get the alimony and child support, so of course wives are more likely to start the divorce and can handle it better emotionally. But later in life, when there's no child support to be had, women don't get as much money out of the divorce and it can be more devastating. Hang in there and think about re-building your social life. If you are on alimony, you can have a boyfriend, but don't get married or you might loose your alimony.

Re: Involvement with ex-spouse

Thank you for support. It was an amicable divorce but nonetheless painful. I thought I was further along in the process than I am and am looking for a support group. I feel as if I am walking in mud. Our adult children are also processing events differently. Certain things cause grief all over again. Instead of being "emotionally divorced", we seem to be divorced but emotionally connected still.