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Will things get better

I went to see an attorney yesterday for a disolution.

I met my husband through Match Aug 2005. I was going to delete my profile the next day when I received his email that evening. His corny pick up line was "the only thing missing in your pictures is me." I thought it was actually cute like his pictures. We messaged for a couple times talked on the phone once. We went on our first date a week later and a thought it went well, we didn't kiss ( i thought he was being a gentleman).

I have to say I was already 33 and never married when I met him. I was always told I was a picky person and that I would stay single forever. I did have high standards such as I didn't want a smoker or alcoholic (my dad was an alcohIic and I watch him loose everything he had plus died at age 56 of a heart attack which I'm sure his drinking contributed to that). I also worked two jobs, one full time retail job a part time vet assistant and took two Acconting college classes a semester for the last 5 plus years. I was financially in dependent l owned a cute 2 bedroom, a 5 year old car that I bought brand new. I wanted a person with an income range starting at $35,001 -$50,000, $50,001-$75,000 and $75,001-$100,000. I felt that would definetly be able to support a family someday. I wanted to have 2 kids by now because I was older.

He was a divorced with a 15 yr old son. Well he definitely peeked my interest and I was happy to see he claimed to be a Warehouse manager with the $35,001-$50,000. Management meant he would be in the upper end of the wage range.

Looking back I should have seen the deceit early on. He moved in 4 months after we were dating because he was living in his parents home while they stayed at their lake house. They decided to sell that house and live at the lake permanently meanwhile I was thinking about getting a roommate so things fell into place. First thing I would have to say we never had a strong sex life from the get go, it was always 2-4 times a week which I thought well maybe when a guy loves you you don't have to have sex every day. Ten months in I was leaving for my second job and had to come back home to grab something when I came inside he was upstairs and came quickly out of the second bedroom and went downstairs quickly. When I walked out our bedroom I walked into the spare bedroom and I happen to notice insulation on the floor near the closet door which had attic access.

The next day I was home before he was so I decided to get a ladder and see why he was in there. I used a 3 step ladder which I was too short to get up there so I felt around and felt things. I pulled them down and they were Teen porn, 3 magazines and 2 DVDs. I was devastated and then I became very angry. Angry because I felt as though he'd rather jerk off to Teen girls then have sex with me, which by then I had added 10 lbs. worst part was before I met him I had a membership at Bally's for 12 yrs before I met him but had to give up something or I would never see him. Should have kept the membership. I threw the porn across the floor so he would know what I found and left for work. When I got home I screamed at him and told him how that made me feel and asked him to move out. The next day his brother came and helped him move out. I heard his brother loudly say it's all about the money!

He tried calling the next couple days and I ignored the phone calls but the on the third day coming home from school I was in a serious car accident that total led my car, whiplashed back, bruised ribs, chipped tooth and scrapped knee the lady that hit me spent 3 days in the hospital. He happened to call just as I got out he came to the hospital and took care of me for a few days. He told me he loved me and promised to never look at porn again. We actually had dinner out a week later and asked if I would take him back. I actually just for a fraction almost didn't because I had other relationships where they lied or cheated on me I I never went back to them. But I felt that he was not like the other guys I met.

A month and half later on my youngest sister surprise birthday party he proposed to me.

My dream was I would find Mr Right get married but a bigger forever home and have 2 kids hopefully a boy and girl.

It's funny during this time other things started to unfold. The year we got married I saw his social security benefits statement. He made $35,000 something 4 years before we met and still did not make that minimum a year after. 12 years later he is on the top end of the pay scale but only because he works 10-18 hours over time. If he didn't he would be right under$40,000. I thought to myself oh my God why would he lie about that. I was his second marriage and shortly afterwards a loan company came after him for a car loan his second wife had repo and he was the co-signor. I learned he had filed bankruptcy when it came time to getting pre approved his credit score was 538. It took us 6 months of paying off debts and clearing dismissed judgments but we got his score up to 720. My credit score was always good and still good at 720. I worked hard and was always financially responsible.

So thanks to my talent we bought a foreclosure for $100,000 20k below approved loan amount. It's a 1975 well built ranch that sold for $160,000 5 years prior and right before the market crashed. The house is the original 1975 bathroom and kitchen but I could see the potential it has to be today's beauty. Unfortunately shortly after we moved in my retail job of 14 + years cut my hours down to less than 20 hours a week. Matter of fact my least amount ofhours was the week of my sons 2nd birthday/ house warming party with 11.25 hrs. I barely had money to buy decorations, cake let alone food. Luckily my family and his family chipped in so we had food and drinks.

Things continued to be bad at that job I was driving to 2 sometimes 3 other stores to get over 20 hrs a week meanwhile after gas exspense I had $60 that I was suppose to be able to buy groceries let alone help pay some bill. So for the next 8 months before I decide to quit and after my breakdown of balling because we had to go to food pantries which he drove me to one but would not go downstairs of the church to help me get the food. He finally got a part time job working at a dock for 7 weeks until he picked up more overtime at his job.

By the end of 2014, during this process we mostly me because I still had good credit owed to 15 creditors for a total of $46,000 plus including a car lease for him in my name because his credit was already shot.

During this time I was in real estate school to get my certification. We were actually trying to get pregnant shortly after we got married at 36 because by then I was almost 38 and were also starting fertility testing because we had already been trying for 13 months. I found out I was pregnant on my last day of class. So I postponed becoming a realtor firstly because we had our own health coverage because it was cheaper to do so and when I tried to get on his better insurance I was denied because I was already pregnant. I never got my license because after that it became did I want a bigger home or a real estate career which at that time it was only a couple of years after the real estate market crashed. I do work in the real estate industry do it paid off.

We moved into our current home right before Alex turned 2. So wow dream was coming true! At first crazy wanted me to get pregnant right away because some young guy at work got his wife pregnant 4 months after she gave birth. Issue no I wasn't going to do that to my body and besides I ended breast feeding for 13 months. And I know you are not supposed to get pregnant during that time. Talking about breast feeding thank God I was able too because the financial problems would have started then with formula expense. I was going to take 12 weeks off but had to go back to work at week 7-9 for about 24 hours because the baby fund didn't last.

Later when it was okayed to have sex again the sex life was practically down to 1-2 time a month I was lucky if I got it 3 times. Oh ooo I did have sex 4 times once I don't remember what year anymore. So starting 2015 I never got pregnant. I wonder why so I went to well known fertility specialist and did 3 cycles of fertility drugs. His insurance didn't cover it so it was about $300 a cycle. I used Clomid and had the HCG injection. If you are not familiar with the process your suppose to have sex 3 consectative days. Which we did but then something would come up like he was not feeling well or he would get up around 3-4 in the morning and fall asleep on the couch. Do no sex until the next cycle.The third cycle he could not get an erection for the fifth day.

I need to back track on that I told my sister Terrie whom I was close with that we were using fertility treatment (she had fertility problems of not ovulating but has 4 kids now) on my secod cycle. When I told her she said I didn't know you guys wanted anymore kids. I was confused and told her yes or we wouldn't be trying. She then told me that when Alex was 18 months old he told my brother in law he didn't want to have anymore kids plus when Alex was 15 months old he became a grandpa because my 22 year old step son had a son.

I balled all the way home and had to actually go to a park to clear my eyes do he couldn't see I was crying. I never told him what she told me until the day I told him why I wanted a divorce.

So it took me 11 months, 83 resumes/ applications, 11 interviews to find my current job. I actually was hired for a part time pharmacy job that I worked the first 7 weeks of my current job. Now I managed to get our debts down to $24,000 but with so many fights. He wanted me to file bankruptcy like he did before which he never told me I saw his Divorce Decree. Our foreclosure would be beautiful if we had the money to renovate it but has 7'issues from roof replacement, plumbing to a pool shell full of weeds that need address. I feel like I have been his roommate for months now. When I first told him I wanted a divorce in Oct 2016 and he begged to work things out I'm pretty sure he opened another bank account because his checks went from $1500 something to he just had 2 pay checks thus year that was $1300+ and $1400 plus. He refuses to pay off the Sears that has the riding mower and dining table on it and told me to sell it which I won't even recoup what I spent on them.

The one smart thing I did was kept my first house as a rental property but now that needs a tub replacement with an estimated $2,000 cost. Our grocery budget for this whole summer has been $80 a week for 3 people because summer camp costs $185 a week for Alex who is now 7. I just don't want to live like this anymore. I knew on my 9th anniversary in July that I did not want to spend the rest of my life in this marriage barely getting by, with someone who doesn't want to sleep with me, on the rare occasions we have sex it's just that wham bam thank you mam and not about satisfying me, he hasn't looked at my naked body in the shower for the past couple years. If he's in the bathroom and talks to me and opens the curtain his eyes are fixed on me not looking at me. I have gained 33 pounds. I have not felt appreciated in years.

Re: Will things get better,yes things will get better if only you take things into your hands

I would never have thought that my husband will ever call off the divorce case and returned back to his family until i meet prophet luba who help me and my husband returned back home to me and quit the divorced.when he told me he was issuing a divorce ,i was very scared and besides i still love him and i do not want to lose him.At that period i was living alone,nothing good was going through my mind,i was frustrated,because the burden was too much for me and my kids to bear,A man we have been married for 15 years,all of a sudden started acting up on me and later told me he is going to issue a divorce paper because he can't continue taking care of me and the kids and that he is fed up, and not knowing to me that he has found another woman and the evil woman has been the one manipulating him and that my husband should issue a divorce paper to me so that she can move into our home. One faithful day, the woman parked her belongings and moved into our home to stay with my husband and the worst thing was that she was pregnant,i couldn't stand it,me and my kids have to parked our belongings and left the house for them.my greatest fear was that how a'm i gong to get rid of the evil woman from my husband and also where a'm i going to get  money to get a good lawyer if he has finally made up his mind on the divorce because i was not working and how on earth am i going to win a divorce case without the help of a good lawyer,so i was totally confuse and it keeps running through my mind to the point i was having nightmare at sleep,because i know if he finally goes to court he will surely wins and i might have or not have anything left for me to take care of my kids,besides i still love him,i want to get rid of that evil woman from him and i do not even want the divorce.i just wish he would call off the divorce and pursue away that evil woman from him but he did not,so my worried increase and i was completely dead at that period.i  was always thinking and praying to God for him to change his mind  so that he get rid of the evil woman and call off the divorce.God so kind i was reading an article on a marriage forum on the Internet about how to get your EX back,the forum was for people sharing their marriage problem and also giving advice to any marriage problem some one post.so i saw a lady called Georgina Rodriquez,she is from Spain, testifying about the power of luba on how he help her get his husband back when his husband left and dumped her for 6 months while she was pregnant and moved on with another lady.she left an email down that any body looking for help should contact him,so i did take the email and emailed luba because i believed on karma(high power).luba respond to me immediately and told me what to do,i bought the items he ask me to buy and he was praying for me,and he told me i should not worry again that my husband will come back to his senses,he will call off the divorce,get rid of the evil woman and return to me and my kids.indeed after three days of luba works in my life,my husband returned to me started begging me,he told me he beat the hell out of the evil woman and drove her out of the house and he has also called off the divorce,that he is sorry for the pain and agony he has put me and my kids.And to my greatest surprise my husband told me the woman even lost her baby when she was giving birth,indeed Luba is powerful and he is the greatest man i have ever seen in my whole life. we are happily living again as one big family,all thanks to God for using prophet luba as a blessing to me.please this is my first time at this forum,i just decided to share this my life testimony story after i saw some people post who are looking for help,and i strongly believe they will need this help,by saving their homes, their marriages and getting their EX back.Here is prophet luba private email address,prophetluba95@gmail.com. Good luck and i no your problem is solved.