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Re: Will things get better,yes things will get better if only you take things into your hands

I would never have thought that my husband will ever call off the divorce case and returned back to his family until i meet prophet luba who help me and my husband returned back home to me and quit the divorced.when he told me he was issuing a divorce ,i was very scared and besides i still love him and i do not want to lose him.At that period i was living alone,nothing good was going through my mind,i was frustrated,because the burden was too much for me and my kids to bear,A man we have been married for 15 years,all of a sudden started acting up on me and later told me he is going to issue a divorce paper because he can't continue taking care of me and the kids and that he is fed up, and not knowing to me that he has found another woman and the evil woman has been the one manipulating him and that my husband should issue a divorce paper to me so that she can move into our home. One faithful day, the woman parked her belongings and moved into our home to stay with my husband and the worst thing was that she was pregnant,i couldn't stand it,me and my kids have to parked our belongings and left the house for them.my greatest fear was that how a'm i gong to get rid of the evil woman from my husband and also where a'm i going to get  money to get a good lawyer if he has finally made up his mind on the divorce because i was not working and how on earth am i going to win a divorce case without the help of a good lawyer,so i was totally confuse and it keeps running through my mind to the point i was having nightmare at sleep,because i know if he finally goes to court he will surely wins and i might have or not have anything left for me to take care of my kids,besides i still love him,i want to get rid of that evil woman from him and i do not even want the divorce.i just wish he would call off the divorce and pursue away that evil woman from him but he did not,so my worried increase and i was completely dead at that period.i  was always thinking and praying to God for him to change his mind  so that he get rid of the evil woman and call off the divorce.God so kind i was reading an article on a marriage forum on the Internet about how to get your EX back,the forum was for people sharing their marriage problem and also giving advice to any marriage problem some one post.so i saw a lady called Georgina Rodriquez,she is from Spain, testifying about the power of luba on how he help her get his husband back when his husband left and dumped her for 6 months while she was pregnant and moved on with another lady.she left an email down that any body looking for help should contact him,so i did take the email and emailed luba because i believed on karma(high power).luba respond to me immediately and told me what to do,i bought the items he ask me to buy and he was praying for me,and he told me i should not worry again that my husband will come back to his senses,he will call off the divorce,get rid of the evil woman and return to me and my kids.indeed after three days of luba works in my life,my husband returned to me started begging me,he told me he beat the hell out of the evil woman and drove her out of the house and he has also called off the divorce,that he is sorry for the pain and agony he has put me and my kids.And to my greatest surprise my husband told me the woman even lost her baby when she was giving birth,indeed Luba is powerful and he is the greatest man i have ever seen in my whole life. we are happily living again as one big family,all thanks to God for using prophet luba as a blessing to me.please this is my first time at this forum,i just decided to share this my life testimony story after i saw some people post who are looking for help,and i strongly believe they will need this help,by saving their homes, their marriages and getting their EX back.Here is prophet luba private email address,prophetluba95@gmail.com. Good luck and i no your problem is solved.