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School District

I just gave my ex 30 days notice that I would be moving with my children to a new apartment because the complex I live has raised our rent to the point where I can't afford it. The new apartment is only 5 minutes from where we live now, but in a different school district. There is only one apartment complex in the school district that I currently live in.

I have residential custody of our children, and we have shared legal custody.

The problem is, my lawyer had a statement added to our agreement saying that the children must remain in the same school district as long as one parent lives there. Now my lawyer tells me that I can't move or the court will give primary physical custody to my abusive ex!

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can the court really take away my kids because I can't afford to keep an apartment in the school district?

Re: School District

Lil: There are other posters on this forum who have stated it is a legal issue moving the kids. I would suggest speaking with a Family Lawyer or whoever handled your legal issues during the divorce. Sometimes exes try to get custody to end child support. I know someone, who, out of desperation, used the child support money to pay the rent/mortgage.