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Divorced and having to share a business with my ex-husband who has moved on

I married very quickly at age 39 to a divorcee with 3x grown children and a very troubled prior marriage. Constantly dealing with his rage against his ex put major strain on me. Things got worse when he got involved in my 10yr old business and we divorced 18 months later with him now owning half the business with me. I have now my 3rd assault charge against him and a final protection order however we have to work together on occassion and it is abusive, he is a bully and constantly degrades and defames me. He has moved on very quickly and already one year living with new girlfriend, who like me has her own successful business. I have predicted his modus operandi to the T with this new relationship, however I still hurt when they are at the business together when I am working and he comes to berate and judge my every move. Owing to the emotional abuse and his constant judgement of me - I obsess about how he's going to treat me every day. It is suffocating and my mind often wonders to himand his new girlfriend etc...
We never had kids together although it was my dream. I still have a relationship with his older son who is also going to therapy for his childhood and growing up with a narcissistic and bully of a father (my ex).
How do I clear my mind of this horrile situation? He refuses to sell to me because his perks are all in the business from car, motorcycle, salary and clearly free food and drink.
He does as he pleases but I cannot fart in the wrong direction without him being defamitory, verbally abusive infront of staff, customers and staff - yet I am to blame for everything.
I know my situation is unique and disturbed...is there anyone out there with some advise?
I HAVE to rid my thoughts of him...and deal with him as a business partner... Anyone??

Re: Divorced and having to share a business with my ex-husband who has moved on

Elizabeth: I was divorced in 2009. My grown daughter and I learned not to depend on him for anything. I've been in and out of counseling since 2005. I would suggest you try counseling. Maybe he will get tired of the business/time commitment and sell it and you two could split the profit from it - hope so, seems like you both need to move on - especially for your own sanity. I'm involved with a family in which this is occurring (long story). My ex was abusive due to Asperger's Autism which I did not know he had (another long story). Best wishes to you.