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Husband filed for divorce out of state/Can I petition the court it is the wrong venue?

Hi- My husband filed for divorce in KY. He works there but the marital residence is in VA. He never made either address clearly his residence though he kept his VA license, voted absentee in VA & paid VA state income taxes. He now has filed for a divorce in KY. I would like to file a petition stating there is reasonable doubt that this is the correct venue to hold the case & have it dismissed. The County Clerk was not helpful, parroting I should contact a lawyer. It appears the lawyer he has contacted is very familiar with the court & never having lived in the state, I am at a disadvantage; also because he was the sole provider & now has limited my access to funds. KY legal aid seems to only be a resource for KY residents. We have 3 minor children. I also need info on getting immediate financial support from him. Thanks for any help or direction you can give.