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Re: I never wanted a divorce

Nikki: I was married for 21 yrs, spent 10 yrs. at home raising our daughter who needed various therapies (long story). I put her in the car and delivered newspapers for the rest of the marriage. Ex was found to have Asperger's after having left and I got alimony due to an injury/full-time mom for half the marriage/long term marriage/age. Research the divorce laws on line in your State. Get counseling if you have insurance to pay for it. I've been in and out of counseling for years. Get whatever help you need if he is/has left.: Food Pantry, Women's Center, Fuel Assistance, etc. See if you can get a responsible roommate if he's left and/or emergency alimony. My Aunt got roommates after her ex left after over 20 yrs. She went back to school. Many women get trained via unemployment offices/programs to cook/clean for the elderly or to work in medical offices, but first, don't let him steal your happiness - not worth it. Get your health on track. If you need school aged child care the YMCA and Boys and Girls Clubs of America are available - very complicated situation for you - You can't stop someone who wants out unless he changes his own mind, then, can you trust him anymore? Find someplace affordable to live/public housing if no roommates can be found. If you have a child, you will have priority. (If his income is good, you could get restorative alimony 'till you get back on your feet). You will get child support also if he's working. My ex was a frequent customer of Hooters and Strip Clubs. My heart goes out to you. Let us know how it goes. We do care.