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Want to go away for the weekend

I have a question about going away for the weekend. I am a stay at home mom who homeschools her 4 kids. I am in the middle of a divorce and I asked my soon to be ex to take the kids for a weekend. So he would pick them up on Friday morning and return them to me on Monday morning. HE is saying that I am forcing him to take time off as he works and would either need to hire a sitter or stay home with the kids. My kids are 14,12,11,and 10. Can he refuse to take them on a week day? Currently visitation is set like this...I have the kids from 8:30 Sunday to 5pm on Monday and dad has them from 5 pm on Monday until 9:30am on Tuesday and then I have them from 9:30am on Tuesday until 5pm on WEdnesday and Dad has them from 5pm on Wednesday until 9:15am on Thursday then I have them from 9:15 am on Thursday until 5pm on Friday and Dad has them from 5pm on Friday until 8:30 am on Sunday. Whew! I have tried to change this as it is crazy and my oldest is seriously protesting all the back and forth and the 12 year old is starting to do the same but he is currently unwilling to change it. So I guess my question is again can he claim Iam making him take a day off of work if Iask him to take the kids for a weekend including all day on Friday? How do I get around this if he currently can do this?

Re: Want to go away for the weekend

Linda: A formal visitation agreement, in writing, needs to be written by a Lawyer or other legal representative with the two of you in agreement/taking the kids into consideration. Family Lawyers are best when kids are concerned. I had one. Best wishes. Maybe some counseling for the 12 yr. old if you have insurance to cover it or maybe the child can receive it at school.