Womans Divorce Forum

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Re: Divorce

Melani: I hope when he feels better he will visit you and your son, or, at least, your son. Maybe some counseling for both would help if you have insurance to cover it. It takes time to get over this. See a Lawyer to discuss the future. Sometimes the first visit is free. I found one who works at home and didn't charge a lot. See about getting free legal advice at the nearest Bar Association if you cannot afford a Lawyer with any questions you may have. I would not expect anything from him due to his problem. Best wishes.

Re: Divorce

How about you move one and find someone that ready to be a husband, lover, and a father to your son. Someone ready to find love ad grow old with you.
Am on here to find someone that is ready to grow old with me as i have bee hurt terribly.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Re: Divorce

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Re: Divorce

Contact a family/divorce attorney after doing some research on your state laws to prep questions for your consultation. If you handled of the finances, you're ahead of the game. My husband did almost the same. He finally went to rehab, and he came home to plot how to keep all HIS money and exit. In rehab the addicts learn not to look back and guilt themselves. Some addicts take it literally, yet they are told not to add stressors.
Find out what your options are by consulting an attorney. Wish you and your son the best as you navigate through this difficult situation.