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Re: Where to Begin

I think part of his response was definitely real. You don't spent over a quarter of a century with someone and not have strong feelings about them. You guys had good times and bad times, and when you have an honestly good moment like you described (without screaming and fighting) you're more apt to remember the good, and feel sorrow for what you're losing.

On the other hand, he has found a connection in another that will make it easier for him to move on from you. He found something special with you, and found something special in others. While it sucks that he could not stay faithful to you and the commitment he made 27 years ago, this is GOOD FOR YOU. You are worth more than a man who can find love and companionship in more than one place. You deserve a man who is honest and faithful to you and you alone.

I am truly sorry for what you're going through and the mixed emotions it causes. You must rely on your initial gut instinct that you are doing the right thing.

I wish you quick emotionally healing and the insight to trust yourself.

Re: Where to Begin

Dear Ann. I haven't been here for a long time. Maybe 2013. Divorced in 2014. Here are my thoughts. He will always love you but has moved on (bought a house). Plus cheated all along. My husband changed so quickly that I knew instantly what happened. Fishing trip turned into something else. 23 years of marriage. He's married now. I had to sell our beautiful home. Three years later, after two years of rental and two years of living in my friends house (putting everything I own into storage), I finally bought a condo and now live on my own. I have a Bf, but he's not the most romantic, like my ex was. I now live by myself again and that's why I'm here. Trying to re-adjust to me, myself and I again. It takes time. A lot of time. Plan on five years of recovery and maybe start feeling like yourself again. Beginning is the start, healing is the end. I think I'm getting toward the end but re-meeting the love of your life is hard. You will compare everything to him. Love yourself first and then you'll have nothing to compare to but you, not him. Please remember that I am writing this because I hope I'm healing but felt a need to speak my mind about how we get better. Be strong, as I am trying. Even though it takes a part of us, we will survive!!!! Life is funny that way.