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I own a boat which is located in Maryland. I am going through a divorce in Pa. The boat title is in my name. My seperated spouse is claiming its martial property and part his. He goes to the boat and uses it whenever he wants. Last weekend I went to my boat to find him on it. I called the police and stated that he could be on it, since its martial property. I want to lock it down but he has a lot of friends at the marina. Is there a way I could lock it downshift of getting into a situation wherw I put my safety at risk? I really can't afford to move the boat to another marina.

Re: Boat

If you bought it during the marriage, it is considered a marital asset. If you paid for the boat in full with �� inheritance money, it's yours. Talk to him about a schedule or have your attorney reque$t one. I hope he's splitting the associated costs of enjoying the boat.