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Re: So confused what to do

I know how hard this must be for you, but the part about doing everything he wanted, how about what you wanted ?

Re: So confused what to do

Thanks for you reply, I have always put him first and the minute I stopped and tried to get myself together he does not like it.

Again thank you!

Re: So confused what to do

I would strongly recommend you have a consultation with a Lawyer. Since he has asked you for a divorce, I think he should leave. You would think he would have been happy for you since you got a promotion. With the extra time you spent at work, he's had time to himself and his "freedom". My ex filed and tried to take the house. As soon as I got the papers, I went to a Lawyer. There is a lot at stake in long term marriages, like retirement, health insurance, housing, etc., so it's important to see a Lawyer. Like the other poster wrote: what about what you want. I would not want him in the house any longer after that kind of hurt. I'm sorry this happened to you - makes me wonder whether he's having an affair. He may find the "grass isn't greener once he leaves. I was married for 21 years.

Re: So confused what to do

Thank you for your reply as well, yes I plan to get a lawyer. I really would like for this to work but it seems like the end and I agree he thinks the grass is greener. I just know my life is going to come crashing down and he will be the one doing just fine, life seems to go that way.

Thank you so much for your very helpful advice, I know I need to work on what I want as well.

Re: So confused what to do

Hello, Renee i would advice you to take things easy ...My late mom told me that the fact that you lost something that is good does not mean you cannot find something better...

Re: So confused what to do

I would encourage your husband to get a physical or talk to a doctor. This sounds like depression.