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Moving on from an emotional divorce

My marriage broke down about 8 years ago but we have stayed together. It’s become really toxic in the past 2 years and I feel like I am sophisticating slowly. I have anxiety, bad temper and lately I am withdrawing from friends and family. My spouse will not move our rented apartment which is relatively cheap. We live in an expensive part of town and he won’t allow me to change my daughters school hence I cannot move to a cheaper neighbourhood. He used our daughter to get to me. She is starting to be affected and am really upset about how we are falling her. I have found a bedsit which I can afford but am worried that if I move to this Accomodation, I will not be granted custody because there is not a spare room for her. I am an emotional wreck. What Can I do?

Re: Moving on from an emotional divorce

I would speak with a Family Lawyer about this.

Re: Moving on from an emotional divorce

try to talk to an attorney, I know difficult without money. but be very careful, that was how i was with my ex, and then he brainwashed my children to thinking i was trying to hurt them and he got dcf involved and now he has temporary custody because he's an arrogant, controlling, maniupulating a-hole. I'm fighting to get them back even though dcf already found the claims false. But now he's turned them against me, please get out while you can.