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Setting boundaries after a divorce

Recently divorced after 5 years of marriage and we have a 9 month old daughter. My ex left when the baby was 4 months old bc he was over whelmed by the needs and responsibilities of having a baby. Says he thought he was ready but now knows he's not ready to be a 24/7 dad. He comes to my house to visit the baby a few times a month for 30-45 minutes each visit. He's not able to take the baby for any length of time by himself for a visit so I allow him to come visit her at my house. The baby is not comfortable being with him so I usually stay in the same room during the visit unless she appears content with him alone and then I do chores in the house in other rooms while he visits Now has asked if he could bring a load of laundry with him or if he could do his laundry at my house when I'm not at home. How do I go about setting healthy boundaries with him but still keep him engaged in wanting to visit with the baby and keeping him comfortable with visiting at my house?

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