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Child Acess and Sole Parental Rights

I am looking for some feed back on a situation i find myself in. I have sole parental responsibilities of the children, their father used to have visitation, however that has been suspended due to his volatile behaviour. That being said, he has now decided, after 5 years to all of a sudden become interested in their education, using the school to gain acess to them and to our private information. (We moved to this small community 5 years ago to escape his abuse and hide out here) Even though the school has copies of the court orders they are allowing him into the school, into their classrooms and having private meetings, without informing me, and giving him mental and medical health info about the kids. I also live a block from the school, we moved here to hide from him (Similar to Pretty Woman), the school has added him as a person to contact and to pick up, allowing him to remove the kids from the school grounds. He tried to convince our one child to let him walk them home! Sure, let the kids lead him right to our house!! I am so scared, no one’s doing anything, and I have to wait until a court date 3 weeks away to get a protection order. I feel as though i have been completely violated once again. I don’t understand how the school can just do this. Any thoughts or insight would be great. Thank you.