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I'm in a debt consolidation program and my credit is not good.

Hi, we are going to file for divorce soon and my debt consolidation is almost up. My credit isn't good and my husband's balloon loan needs refinancing. It is a 2nd mortgage that he had done prior to our marriage. The bank is saying that he needs my signature and this week affect his loan. We don't want that to happen. Now, my question is... If we file before that loan needs refinancing, can he refinance without my signature if the divorce isn't final? We live in Wisconsin. Thank you

Re: I'm in a debt consolidation program and my credit is not good.

Julie: Lawyers handle finances in a divorce situation so you need one ASAP. I would think this 2nd mortgage done prior to your marriage shouldn't involve you. My ex tried to buy a home prior to our divorce being final and someone called trying to check my credit (which was/is fine) and my Lawyer told me I was to have nothing to do with this home (what if I'd been financially responsible for it after the divorce?). He did lose a job after the divorce.