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Appreciate some advice

Hi, my marriage isn't going well and I'm considering calling it quits. We are in a same sex marriage, we meet in 2012 married in 2013. I moved from a different country to be with my partner and gave up my family, friends, home, job, lifestyle, and sold my car to move here. My partner has a steady job, and is buying her home. She has supported me financially after my own money ran out early in our marriage. I haven't worked but have taken care of everything at home - finances, cooking cleaning, washing, animals, gardening - literally everything bar getting on the roof or crawling under the house. During our marriage my mum passed away and left me a small inheritance which I have pretty much insisted that we save other than dipping into it for the odd emergencies. My partners mum also passed away and left her a smaller inheritance which I've also tried to save. My partner had very little savings, if any, before we met.
My main question is, although I have no interest in anything my spouse had before we married, is it fair for me to take my inheritance if we split? I would need to start all over again, travel back to my home country, find a job, a place to live, a car - literally start all over again, while my spouse will still have everything she had before we married, plus a decent looking savings account. I just want to be fair, but dont want to sell myself short. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Appreciate some advice

hi there :) I'm a natural born psychic gifted with the ability to tap in to you and your spouses energy and tell you all the answers and clarity you need call me for information :)


Re: Appreciate some advice

I think it's fair to take your inheritance if you are starting over. You and your partner should also consult with a Lawyer in your area.