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Single but he won't let me love it

Hi everyone. So I'm a young divorced mother. My ex husband and I been together since he was 17. I was his first love,I'm the only one who showed him what's it feel like to be loved. Well in between our on and off 8 year relationship we had two beautiful sons. We decided to take the step of getting married,well that was a mistake because I quickly realized he is not who I am in love with, he was not my life partner that I thought. Not because there was anyone else its just I simply outgrew this guy and his ways. The custody has been rough and there was even a restraining order involved. He pours his heart to me constantly, tells me the same thing over and over. But does not accept the fact reconciling is not on my list. He even went as far as begging me not to date anyone until the boys turn 18, he's begged me to just give him the kids and I start anew with someone else. Then he throws tantrums and says that if he can't reconcile with me then he doesn't want anything to do with the boys because he can't keep pretending. Enough is enough. I don't feel bad for him this guy has put me through a lot in our relationship and marrying him was something I shouldn't have done. So now I love in a different state, I thought we could communicate for the boys sake but no avail he's still hung over me😒. Any advice please!!!

Re: Single but he won't let me love it

You have to go no contact. Only give him one form/method of communication with you and do not engage in any topics outside of your child. If it starts going downhill, cut it off. There is a great book called "How to do No Contact Like a Boss", you should def check it out. Good luck.

Re: Single but he won't let me love it

Why did you get married to him in the first place then if he wasn't the one you were looking for I mean come on. Don't have sex with him if you don't love him. It also goes without saying that he's not hung over you at all. He just wants his kids and for you to stop taking his stuff that he loves after you back stabbed him by making a fake relationship with him. Just give him the kids and go live your gold digging whorish life somewhere else. He just wanted a life that he thought he was getting when he married you but you lied to him and he's hurt. Way to be self centered and manipulative. Hats off to you and your pathetic life that you made for yourself.

Re: Single but he won't let me love it

I'm going to definitely disregard your opinion. I'm far from a *****! Your probably some fat ass miserable **** from your ex husband on why the only thing you have to say is negative bull**** cause thats what he sees you as you negative piece of **** go choke on a dick

Re: Single but he won't let me love it

Your ex sounds mixed up. He should never have full custody. You have the right to be with another man before the kids turn 18 and he needs to let go. Like the other poster said, just speak with him when it concerns the kids. When the kids turn 18, cut off contact with him unless it is urgent or concerns the kids, i.e., one of them is having a serious issue, getting married, etc.