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Newbie needs HELP

I've been married 20 years, and have two children. My kids ADORE my husband (he's like a big kid himself most of the time). I think my husband might have bipolar, borderline personality disorder, sex addiction, narcissism or any combination of the above. He's completely dependent upon me for most life activities that require patience and planning. I do all the finances and maintain the household. I coordinate the schedules and the kids. I work three jobs. He has one. Recently I confronted him about having sexual relations outside the marriage, which he admitted. He hasn't and won't stop, which is FINE.... because I desperately want a divorce. The thing is---- we won't leave. He says he can't be without me but NEEDS to investigate this sexual side of him more. I tell him I want the relationship to end, he threatens to kill himself. He's never been physically abusive, but the emotional abuse and games are ongoing. I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare. I don't know how to divorce him, keep my kids safe, and get him out of the house. I'm sorry I sound dense, but I literally feel like I need a blueprint. I need someone to help me get out of this mess, and it is a GIANT mess....

Re: Newbie needs HELP

It sounds like he may be bipolar. My ex had a problem and the Lawyers told him to leave. See a Family Lawyer ASAP and get your own bank account and your own credit cards before he knows you are seeking a divorce if you haven't already. Close all joint accounts (do all this without him knowing). My Lawyer told me to do this. Some partners "clean out" accounts and/or run up charges.

Re: Newbie needs HELP

Sounds like my husband of 12 years and we have 3 boys together. My boys love their dad because he is immature and just wants to be their friend not a parent to them. I on the other hand try to guide them in there right direction only to be told they don’t have to listen to me. I want a divorce as well but don’t know where to start?! This morning he threw me down on the couch which I videotaped on my phone and we have had physical abuse throughout our whole marriage. The house is in his name but I make more than him by almost double and he says if I divorce him he will get everything I have saved up and blow it. I know he would too! It is just a mess! So you are not alone