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Re: Newbie needs HELP

It sounds like he may be bipolar. My ex had a problem and the Lawyers told him to leave. See a Family Lawyer ASAP and get your own bank account and your own credit cards before he knows you are seeking a divorce if you haven't already. Close all joint accounts (do all this without him knowing). My Lawyer told me to do this. Some partners "clean out" accounts and/or run up charges.

Re: Newbie needs HELP

Sounds like my husband of 12 years and we have 3 boys together. My boys love their dad because he is immature and just wants to be their friend not a parent to them. I on the other hand try to guide them in there right direction only to be told they don’t have to listen to me. I want a divorce as well but don’t know where to start?! This morning he threw me down on the couch which I videotaped on my phone and we have had physical abuse throughout our whole marriage. The house is in his name but I make more than him by almost double and he says if I divorce him he will get everything I have saved up and blow it. I know he would too! It is just a mess! So you are not alone