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Re: Living after the Divorce

Pat: I'm sorry this happened to you. My ex left in 2008 after 21 yrs. I've been in and out of counseling for many years. Maybe this could help you if you have insurance to cover it. I joined an affordable health club and go to Yoga, also. Having a pet also helps if you can have one where you live (cats are lower maintenance). Keeping the t.v. or radio on when there is nobody home helps with loneliness. Taking a walk to clear your head when the weather is good/nature walk may help. I talk to supportive friends. See if you can spend more time with friends over coffee or whatever you like. Pamper yourself in ways you can afford. Don't let your ex steal your happiness. Good luck to his girlfriend, she will need it, he may cheat on her, too.

Re: Living after the Divorce

Thank you Lara for your kind words and advice. I do have 3 dogs. I am going to counseling also. I just feel like there is a dark cloud over my head all of the time. My life is just empty. I am just afraid it will always be like this. I keep very busy and have a strong faith. I don't think there is any hope of him cheating on his girlfriend. She is in pretty high demand and he would not do that to her.

Re: Living after the Divorce

Lara has all good suggestions. It's hard to move forward but you must in order to be happy

Re: Living after the Divorce

To me it sounds like you aren't ready to move Into a new relationship, if you are still crying. You need to heal from this marriage, or divorce, remember the good things, forget the bad. You will need to forgive him and try to get past it. Join some free groups, learn a new hobby, exercise. Even in a small community there are ways to meet people, join a church if you have faith, or join a group or club even if you have to drive to another town.