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Depression and Divorce

Having trouble getting out of my depression following my separation

Re: Depression and Divorce

I have that same problem since my divorce. I suggest counseling. It does help but there is still a grieving process. I find that it is especially difficult now during the holidays. I even find myself resenting couples at church. I am not that kind of person and don't want to be. I think that these are normal reactions and feelings though. It helps to hear someone else that is going through the same thing. I would suggest a support group if your community has one. I live in a small town and there is not one nearby.

Re: Depression and Divorce

Karen I am having the same issue, with crying and inability to talk about how I feel with anyone. I can't afford a therapist but really think I would benefit from a few visits. I get up every day and hope for a good day, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I think some grieving is natural but when it last too long or you get no relief then force yourself to get busy. Make your bed every morning, put on your clothes, go to work or to clubs. Exercise! I have read exercise helps, play your favorite music, have lunch with a friend. Stay busy if you can

Re: Depression and Divorce

I, too, am going through depression. My husband and I are separated but still living in the same house. We are getting a divorce after 14 years of marriage. I am angry and sad. He cheated on me and it turns out he is gay. This has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. I've even thought of suicide. I'm in therapy but one hour a week just isn't enough to get through my feelings. But it helps. There are support groups around but they are all church affiliated and I'm just not really religious. I don't have any family or friends to help me through this.

Re: Depression and Divorce

Hi Andi....came across your post and I get it with not having friends and people for support. Not sure where you live but I'm in Newark De. Lynn

Re: Depression and Divorce

If you can find ANY support group...go!! Also, just because a support group is in a church does not mean it will try to get you to join,etc. Many times, they are held at churches simply because they have the space. Just try it once, and maybe you will connect with one or two of the people! You don't have to go back if you don't want to, and it will, at least, get you out of the house one night!

Re: Depression and Divorce

I am depressed too!

Re: Depression and Divorce

It takes time to get over a divorce. I have read two years on average.