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Re: I don’t know what to do

The cheated on club is one no one wants to be a member of and when you join (against your will of course) you find there are many members. You are not alone. My husband cheated on me after 10 years. It was horrible but I swallowed my pride and worked very hard to make my marriage work. Keep in mind it was just me working. And those were some of the happiest years of our marriage. Then we were blessed with a son and it seemed all was right with the world until I found out it was now sleeping with my best friend. It’s a cliche for a reason once a cheater always a cheater. Ask yourself would you rather go through this divorce when your child is 3 and can be sheltered from most of the ugliness or when he is 10 or 15 and can be influence by your ex to turn against you? He will do it again they always do. The best thing you can do is put your child and you forst because he isn’t and he never will.

Re: I don’t know what to do

If you believe him, there is no reason why you can't try a therapist to see if you and he can work things out. I believe it's better to try than to turn your back. If this isn't the first time, then get out while you can, but if it is the first time, maybe it's an error and maybe you can correct it. Be ready to tell it all, the whole truth about how you feel and how he made you feel.
Some insurance companies cover therapist visits and can recommend a good one in your area. If not for marriage help, but for yourself. Trust me take care of it now, or you'll do like me and go through it 40 years later.