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Really don't want to be alone

My husband has drank alcohol for as long as I have known him. When he was laid off in 2009, he started drinking to the point of being on the floor every night, and would complain about one thing or another for hours, such as how I was hard on the brakes on the car or how he hated our phone service. I got so sick of hearing him complain that I would hide from him or lock him out of the bedroom. We were at the point that we slept in different bedrooms and never had any intimacy at all. I left, problem is I am sad, I didn't want another divorce. My first marriage was wonderful to a wonderful man and I messed it up. He is still a wonderful man and I think of him every day, it makes me cry because I never really accepted that he was gone.it was my fault and I get that, but I just want to move on with my life.