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Re: in shock

Thank you. Totally thrown for a loop about everything.

Re: in shock

Keep BUSY. Do something new. Set a personal goal( lose 5 pounds, read 3 books, run 1 mile,etc.) These will keep your mind off IT. If there is any way possible, go to at least a couple of counseling sessions. Many times, insurance pays for it. Do something for someone else( elderly, soup kitchen, etc.) This will help you gain a little joy! Lastly, get some kind of regular physical exercise, even if you have never done this before. This will help you to sleep and to physically gel a little better. Yoga is very good, and calming, and you will find support there. You are worthwhile!

Re: in shock

I am sorry this happened. See a Lawyer ASAP and get your own bank account and credit card account (if you use cards). Many have had their spouses "clean out" the bank account. Split whatever money is there now or consult a Lawyer about this and other finances.