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Making new friends

So I lost most of my friends following my divorce 2 years ago and I still haven't been able to widen my social circle. Any suggestions on how to meet women over 40 who have been divorced and want support and friendship?

Re: Making new friends

Hi Julia....I posted a very similar note a day or two ago. I also need to widen my social circle and its not easy being over 40. I've tried meet ups but I haven't hit the right one. I live in Newark De......maybe we could start a meet up of some sort ? Thoughts ? I've been divorced for 4 yrs. btw. Lynn

Re: Making new friends

I started yoga just to fill in time, but there are very supportive people there, all shapes and sizes, and it is very calming!

Re: Making new friends

I have been wondering the same thing. Now my separation is very new but clearly my “friends” have chosen sides and my side was not chosen. He has the freedom to go out when ever but me, I have my mentally ill daughter and can’t go out all the time. So how to meet new people. Hmmm I am interested in seeing if any great ideas come of this post.

Re: Making new friends

So what I did was to join MeetUps.com and search for my vague interests.

I also started going to church again. -- don't know if that's for you.

And this is going to sound weird, but the Craigslist discussion forums also provided me with some fun conversations and allowed me to meet some new people online first (I created a new gmail account with a pseudonym), and then later in person when I found a few that I really connected with. First, start the discussions in another state if you're concerned about creepers, and then when you've learned some basic rules and know how things go on these forums, switch to a different city in your state, and then finally to your city.