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Re: It was for the better so why can’t I move on?

I am new to this chat so bear with me please. My husband walked out five years ago and I am still unable to move on. He has hurt me in so many ways I would not even know where to begin. I always thought it would be me and him forever but instead he has another woman and is trying get sole custody of the children and start a family with her because I do not have a job and I am currently living with my miserable mother in a two bedroom house. No room really for three growing children and not a friendly environment, I don’t really even know if I want to talk about it anymore because it really stills hurts. I gave my all to him and bore him three beautiful children and believe me they were awful pregnancies in which most of the time was spent in the hospital and all were born via c-section. Yet he just walked out treated me like a piece of dirt under his feet. I would be lying if I told you that I expected it or anticipated it would happen. I am not even sure why I am here. I just felt alone tonight and googled divorce and here I am. I wish I could say that I am further ahead in this grieving process than I am right now but I am not. I am not afraid to say so either. If this makes me appear weak then so be it. I really dont care. I just want some type of normalcy back in my life and to co parent my children in a respectful way as they certainly do not deserve to be stuck in the middle of this. I really don’t need to hear anymore advice on what to do. I have heard it all and then some. I just want someone to listen for a change, someone who can identify with how I feel and is not quick to judge. I don’t know how else to put it and I am sorry if this offended anyone.

Re: It was for the better so why can’t I move on?

See if there’s a Divorcecare.com group in your area. I am 8 months into the divorce process and found out about the support group through this site. I just finished the 13 week faith-based program and it was a great way to strengthen your coping skills. There were newbies and divorced individuals who needed to resolve past or currents issues. New sessions start in January. Good luck!