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Husband and I had a major argument in Nov....he has hardly spoken to me since,no hugs,NOTHING.....at that time,he threatened divorce..the argument was over something really trivial...we have been married 10 yrs(2 nd marriage).I have done research and have found that my husband has every symptom of NPD. He says he " will decide what to do" after the holidays. My question is this....should I stay...we bought a nice house,I recently retired...financially,I hate to jeopardize my retirement savings...I still care about him,but what kind of person can ignore a spouse for 6 wks.?

Re: Confused

Imagine the rest of your retirement w/NPD. How golden will the years ahead of you be?
If six weeks of walking on eggshells has been agonizing, imagine another 6 years plus wondering.