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Re: How did I spend 30 years with someone and not even know who they are?

1) look up " Narcissitic Personality Disorder 2) change your messaging system so he cannot contact you 3) Don't beat yourself up..these people are chameleons and let you see only what they want you to see..even experts can miss it

Re: How did I spend 30 years with someone and not even know who they are?

If you are divorced, block him and the monthly hits will dwindle. The children will make their own decisions as you are witnessing.
If you’re not divorced, hang in there until the divorce decree and then, block him.
‘My’ narcissist and I do not speak as we are divorcing and it is expensive. He has blamed me for creating a wedge between him and our daughters w/out considering his self-serving decisions. Narcissists will point the blame finger at anyone. We’ll never get the satisfaction that one day he will admit his errors.

Re: How did I spend 30 years with someone and not even know who they are?

I am beginning divorce proceeding with my husband of almost 23 years. 3 kids. 20, 18 and 14 . 2 boys and a girl. He is a total narcissist. It is sickening and overwhelming! He is atrocious! I am curious how your journey has been and if you have any advice. I am attempting to mediate as we have NO money. As I often say. he left us broke and broken :( .