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27 year marriage ends

My husband recently asked for a divorce, he said there
Wasn’t another women I knew he was lying. Turns
Out he is love with a 26 year old he met on the internet
And is planning his wedding already. It’s a scam
Some women’s photo were stolen off internet
And used in a fake profile. Scamming him thousands of dollars, computers, jewelry. While I am happy to get a divorce. He doesn’t know it s scam yet. I keep wondering
Why god let this happen to me. I went to church for 27 years. They say god has a great plan for everyone.
This doesn’t t feel so great

Re: 27 year marriage ends

He does have a plan for you. Take His hand and walk away from the self-centered fool.
Do not feel sorry for him or make yourself available if the young one wakes up before the nuptials. He has whet his appetite and will continue to wander.
Try not to wonder why??, just look forward.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

Thank you. Your reply was helpful.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

Dear Linda. My story here. I am married for 27 years as well. I thought we had a beautiful life. We have two gorgeous daughters. We both have a great career. We bought property in Costa Rica for our retirement. Had dreams. Well, recently I found our that my husband visited escorts for the past 8 years. He hid it very well. Until he fell in love with one of those tramps, 30 years younger than he is. My world is destroyed. I have never been so alone in my life. He says he wants both of us. Like I would ever agree to that. I kicked him out of the house two weeks ago. I miss him. He is the love of my life. I am at the bottom, begged him to leave her etc. He is in some kind of mid life crisis. Has the time of his life. She is showering him with gifts, clothes, shoes, watch. He bought a sports car. He is 60, she is 33. I have never felt so alone in my life in this big house which I hate to be in right now. I do not know what to do with myself, but I know I need to be strong.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

Nicole. I learned the hard way once a cheater always a cheater. Sadly, they just get better at hiding the other life. Have you heard of meetup.com. I am joining women’s social club for 50 plus. I accept mid-life crisis destroyed my marriage and I am going to counseling. I find I feel good when I am with family or with people. I know your pain!!! We’ll get through this.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

Nicole, through meetup.com I have found groups for traveling, outdoor activities, and other interests. Lots of groups by age too. I am avoiding dating groups until
I am stronger. But, I see a world out there outside my new apartment.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

I can relate to you. I was married 25 years. He too had somewhat of a midlife crisis. We both worked, but he was the bread winner. He became abusive and i learned he was cheating on me.Throughout the divorce. I found out he had two long term relationships plus other affairs. He purchased a boat without my knowledge, spent all our martial money on them. Took out loans, borrowed from his 401 k to pay the bills he accumated. I divorced.I got alimony from the divorce that I struggle to get from him, while he still has our house and I live in rental apt. I'm happy,I'm not married to him anymore. He became a different person once he started cheating. I struggle while he lives it up.it bothers me that he destoyed the marriage and walks away with all. In time you will heal just like I will ..keep your head high stay busy and get a good lawyer. Mine didn't do enough for me. Best wishes.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

Please for the love of GOD tell me I will get stronger. My husband left me in this place with no home, no car, no way to get a job after destroying my reputation (making me appear crazy) even to family. He keeps telling me,, with tears in his eyes that I'm his everything. I am lower than I have ever been scared to talk to anyone, and fully well aware I'm bout to lose everything if I don't play along. I need to know that cutting the ties will not make me lose more of my mind

Re: 27 year marriage ends

I have cut ties with my husband at this time so he can t hurt me anymore. In time I will forgive him to save myself not for his benefit. Still will keep ties cut. I read psalm 37 of the Bible sometimes and say it s all yours god!

Re: 27 year marriage ends

honestly I wish my husband had an affair, it would be so easy to kick him to the curb then. My husband is a severe alcoholic. He guzzles vodka straight, its hard to watch that but even harder to live with it. He makes a constant mess, leaves bags of bread, cookies, crackers open when he gets up at night. The kitcken is in a constant mess, and the bathroom is a joke. At 59 i just got sick of being a babysitter and maid. Of course there has been no intimacy in years, and I wonder why I didn't leave sooner. I left in late September and I really want to be in my home, but I just can't take living like that any more.

Re: 27 year marriage ends

I’m so sorry to see so many women in the same boat. My husband of 13 years left me for another woman on our daughter’s birthday which was also 2 days before our anniversary vacation. When I stopped asking him to come home 2 weeks after the fact he started to harass me. A month after he left, he came and tried to force himself on me and threatened to kill me (as he has many times before). The police were called and he faked a heart attack to prevent being arrested. The next day, he took all the money, emptied out our safe deposit boxes and checks himself into the hospital the day of every court date to evade a hearing. I’m struggling financially and he doesn’t care to contribute even though we have two kids. I feel so hurt, scared and confused. He cheated and left, yet he took everything. I have great support but I know it’s hard on them to hear the constant drama

Re: 27 year marriage ends

I go to a free support divorce group now. I also found a women’s only social club on meetup.com. I went to a movie and
Dinner. I met a lot of nice women. It made me realize there is life after divorce. I need to heal and get myself together before I date again. If I ever decide to. Just hold onto god and you will get through this