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the 6th month without my babies

Im heartbroken. Horrid divorce with an abusive ex-husband and a family that support him. They took my babies that I've raised alone. I've never been without them. Every game, every practice, every piece of homework, every Dr visit. Every school meeting... Everything was all me. Now my ex-husband is paying my mom the big child support payments. I'm broken. My baby girl has lost at least ten pounds, I've left all of them at our visits crying for me, I can't win. I miss them so bad. How am I going to survive this.

Re: the 6th month without my babies

Ashley: I recommend speaking with a Family Lawyer about this. Is there a reason why his family has the kids?

Re: the 6th month without my babies

I am so sorry for what u are going through. I also fled domestic violence and my husband took all 4 kids and hid them at his family house while he filed for divorce and custody and then left me homeless...9 months later I finally have joint custody but I get no help from the state or even child support cause the attorney that finally agreed to help me a month before we went to court did a half assed job and did not have my back at all. It’s hard but hang in there and best of luck to you! I would suggest getting an attorney if u can and make sure u document everything