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I just found this forum and I'm in need of some advice. I've been divorced for over a year. I was awarded alimony through the courts.I was married 25 years and we have one child of age.He kept the house. No equity on it (loans)as we were in debt due to his extra martial affairs. We also had credit card debts due to his spending on other women.
. He went as far as to purchase a boat for his life outside the home, which I found out when mail came to the house.he met the women on Ashley Madison website.I learned he had an acct.My problem is this, He stopped paying alimony. Hes in arrears for 2 months. The court ordered him to pay through wage garnishment which he wasn't doing for some reason.he was writing the checks himself.so I had to get in touch with probation and his employer to have this done. Garnishment just started, which I'm relieved because he doesn't want to pay alimony although I had to end the marriage because he was abusive and cheating on me.I learned he had two long term relationships in our marriage. The amount being garnished is less than what the court ordered. I know he has the money ..he has refinanced on what used to be our house. He has two cars and women coming in and out of the house. I've learned recently he has hid assets from me during our divorce. I'm at wits end with him. He's nasty with me even after the divorce like I was at fault. I do have a job but not enough to make bills and rent. He's living it up while I'm struggling. He's an angry man and I can not talk with him on any issue. A very difficult man and conning. He has everything and still wants more. Has anyone gone through the same thing with alimony and an ex husband who is always trying not to pay while living it up? Hes not the man I once knew. Sorry this is so long.

Re: Alimony

Raven: My ex left in 2008. We were married 21 years, one grown child. He covered the bills but just took me shopping for food once so I had to go to the local food pantry. He had credit card debt which he paid off and had been spending at strip clubs and gave a lot to a church. He didn't pay an alimony for 9 months and then paid it but took me back to court to either get it reduced and/or eliminated every 1 1/2 years. I would suggest you get whatever help you need such as visiting the local Food Pantry, also. I shopped at thrift shops for clothes. Maybe you could qualify for public housing - check with your local housing office. If you have cable t.v., I would suggest cutting back to the most basic services and just having one phone (many people just have a cell phone these days and not a home phone). Since you are not getting the court ordered amount, it's time for the Lawyer to step in. Let the Lawyer do the talking, don't bother talking to this hostile man.

Re: Alimony

Thank you Lara ... I will take your suggestion. Sorry abt your marriage. Best wishes!