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Can he take away a gift he never signed OVER

My boyfriend bought me a traveling trailer cause I found out he was cheating on me to shut me up and not leave him..I lived in it for almost a year .during this time he has gone and come into my life. When he leaves he threatens me he's going to take it away. Then send a me messages that I can keep it cause I have me were else to live and it's my home now.. I recently let someone buy it and now getting payments which he was there during the proccess.. he know has gone to this person and has told him not to pay me another dime.. we are now 1 year married and this trailer was purchases about 3 years ago..can he take it from me if i have proof of messages i can keep..its in both names

Re: Can he take away a gift he never signed OVER

Sandy: Talk to a Lawyer about this.