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Divorce after 12 year relationship

Basically I meet my husband very young like 18. I wanted and still want to spend the rest of my life with him
But he says he is not in love with me anymore and wants a divorsce. His reasons are that there are things from my last he cannot deal with and makes him feel less of a man. I am desperate I can't breath, I can't... I just don't want to be alive without him. What can I do ?

Re: Divorce after 12 year relationship

You can do it! You need to let him go. It's a terrible thing to live without being in love! I know it's been a long relationship, and having time apart, he may see that he does really love you, but, till then, you need to also take this time and see life for you. It will get better, I promise!

Re: Divorce after 12 year relationship

Thank you Sue:) I think we will do that, spend some time apart to figure out if we really want. I think that since we love each other so much then there must be hope right?

Re: Divorce after 12 year relationship

I'm really sorry to hear you so upset. I felt the same way when I went through a divorce from my first husband. I remember sitting in our walk-in closet and just crying so hard, feeling like I didn't want to go on with out him. But guess what, I felt the hurt... and now I have two beautiful little girls. Their dad and I are going through a breakup (common law divorce) but had I not went on with my life I wouldn't have my precious babies. And there is something good waiting for you too. Whether you get back together or not. Just imagine... what if you meet a man who would never leave you... period? Best of luck to you. Your heart WILL heal.