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Re: Advice and suggestions needed! No clue what to do or where to turn to

Shawnte: I would speak with someone who works at the Agency in which the kids are living which handles child abuse cases. If any of your kids are in school, speak with a school nurse or school counselor, and, for yourself, speak with someone at the Domestic Violence Hotline or at your local women's services center. It is most likely that your ex took the kids to avoid paying child support. It does not seem, at this time, until you get some type of emergency public housing, that you can provide a place for the kids (unless there is enough room where you live and they allow it). If you are capeable of working full time, the courts would expect that, especially since it was not a long marriage. Check the divorce laws in your State on line and learn all you can. In some places, there are agencies that teach women how to either work in medical offices or to take care of/do errands/clean for the elderly. Most Lawyers charge for every phone call, e-mail, court time for you, etc.

Re: Advice and suggestions needed! No clue what to do or where to turn to

The place that I live is set up for women fleeing domestic violence. I have my own 3 bedroom apartment and can come and go as neeeded but it is rent free. It is set up to help me get on my feet and start my life over again so housing is not an issue. It is run by catholic nuns who live on site and complete coltrol access with video cameras and alarms, it is truly a blessing. I have spoken with the agency about it they are aware of the situation but the my don’t help with these things, I have been to both local domestic violence agencies and they have helped me as much as they can, however in the beginning the told me to file ex parte custody and had the papers and I didn’t listen because I would never keep my husband from my kids and I never would have thought he would do it to me so I wouldn’t sign the papers, 4 days later he did it to me and got the upper hand. I have been to the courthouse and all the legal aid help desks and researched online And my understanding is that I can file a malpractice suit against my attorney, and I can file an ex parte custody order, and I can file a motion to modify the divorce decree and a few other things but I can not afford an attorney to help do these things and I go to understand how to do it myself. So far the domestic violence shelter have helped me by calling investigators that have taken my reports, I have called cps and I continue to document everything. My main concern right now is my kids safety and I can’t fond an attorney willing to help me file ex parte custody even after they see the pictures of 2nd degree burns and black and blue ears, and over 40 abscensss from school and my kids reporting heir dad doesn’t have food and they are always hungry. I have done everything I can think of and I get absolutely nowhere. I honestly just need a miracle at this point

Re: Advice and suggestions needed! No clue what to do or where to turn to

I am here to say just how sorry I feel about your promlem. I came to this forum because I needed some support after getting a divorce in california and as far as we I couldn't afford a lawyer and we didn't have joint property, I filed it online. But your story is appalling, I couldn't just pass by. Sorry to read that! Carry on!